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Form 1120-S (Schedule K-1) for Vacaville California: What You Should Know

A. Residential โ€” Land Use Zoning (RUN) โ€” In San Diego County, zoning rules dictate the type of commercial and residential property that can be located on adjacent land in a specific zoning district (see map below). B. Commercial โ€” RUR โ€” For property located less than 10 feet from a public right of way, the public has the right to access. For this reason, businesses operating next to a public right of way must obtain a Business Use Permit. If you are thinking of doing a small business, then this zoning is your best location choice. C. Commercial โ€” GRA โ€” These are commercial property located within the boundaries of a special use district, such as a Convention Center, which require special rules. ย  Business โ€” BZC โ€” For businesses that do not need special permits, but may be subject to special requirements as listed on a Special Use Permit, this zoning is your best location. 1. Determination of Minimum Building Size & Number. If your business is small, or it is located more than 50 feet from a public right of way, the City will require a Business Use Permit. You should determine the minimum building size that must be constructed if any structure or building equipment is to be constructed and any equipment is located in front of your building at all times. Then, you should find out whether it will be difficult to establish and maintain a minimum number of employees. You will need to determine this minimum business size using two factors: ยท the minimum number of space required for the business, but only when there is a need for employees or when construction of the business is to commence or after completion but prior to the start of the first shift of work ยท the minimum number of employees necessary for continued functioning of the business, but only when there is a need for immediate employment and when construction of the business is to commence prior to the start of the first shift of work. If you are unsure whether you require a Business Use Permit for any particular type of property, feel free to contact the Chula Vista Department of Business and Economic Development at for more information. 2. Site Plan Certification.

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